Celebrate Black History Month Online: State of Black SciFi 2012 Coming Soon!
I'm so excited to participate in a discussion about the State of Black speculative fiction with a few of my writer friends. During the next seven weeks, we'll participate in a blog hop or blog tour where we all give our opinions on issues surrounding this interesting topic. I'm hoping that this online event will become something that we do each year during Black History Month.
What's neat is that at the end of the discussion, we'll have giveaways, prizes, and fun stuff for those readers who participate in the dicussion. You can participate via twitter using the #blackscifi2012 hashtag or by leaving comments on each one of our blogs. Get ready for this awesome online Black History Month event. We'll kick-off the discussion next week on the ML King Holiday. BTW, if you're an author and would like to participate, drop me an email. Here are some of the authors.
L.M. Davis, Author-YA Shifters Novels. The first book, Interlopers, is available now. Tweeting about writing, touring, and other random thoughts that enter my mind. http://www.shiftersnovelseries.com/index.html
Milton Davis, Author – Milton Davis is owner/publisher of MVmedia, LLC . As an author he specializes in science fiction and fantasy and is the author of Meji Book One, Meji Book Two and Changa’s Safari. Visit him: www.mvmediaatl.com and www.wagadu.ning.com.
Margaret Fieland, Author- lives and writes in the suburbs west of Boston. You can visit her website and blog.
Alicia McCalla, Author- writes for both young adults and adults with her brand of multicultural urban fantasy, futurism, paranormal, romance, and horror. Her debut novel, Breaking Free will be available February 1, 2012. Visit her at:http://www.aliciamccalla.com
Nicole Sconiers, Author-is also a screenwriter living in the sunny jungle of L.A. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Antioch University Los Angeles. Visit her:http://nicolesconiers.com/index.html