Celebrating Your Success is a Form of Gratitude
The other night, I crawled into bed exhausted as usual. I rolled over and spent some time lamenting over my oppressive "to do list" to my husband. He listened then turned to me and said, "You need to celebrate your successes." What could I say? He was telling me the truth. In fact, I'm guessing he thought that I didn't get his point because he showed me in a very positive way how to be appreciative of my successes. When I arrived home from my Georgia Romance Writer's meeting, he had a gift bag filled with my favorite perfume, a sweet note, and he'd taken the time to "sparkle up" our home by dusting, cleaning, and washing the dishes. He got his point across. I needed to show some gratitude and appreciation.
I totally love and appreciate my husband for bringing this to my attention. We all must show gratitude and appreciation for all that we've been given. We can't simply bypass these things as if they are speed bumps or hurdles that we just jump over. It does the soul good to take time to reflect and be humbled by all the goodness that we receive. During this Thanksgiving season, I am humbled and showing my gratitude for all of my successes over the last few months. Here's a few things that I'm celebrating:
- I finished the edits on my upcoming novel, Breaking Free.
- The Beta readers came back with positive reviews on Breaking Free.
- I turned in Breaking Free to my Indie publisher.
- I received an e-mail saying that I'm officially RWA Pro.
- I was nominated to be a member of the Georgia Romance Writers 2012 Board.
- I sat on my very first author panel on Black Speculative Fiction.
- I lost 35lbs and dropped down two dress sizes.
- My amazing husband and wonderful son.
I'm making a habit of celebrating my successes and showing appreciation. It's just the right thing to do. Please share your successes or what you feel grateful about in your life. I'd love to hear it!