I Heart Georgia Romance Writers

I Heart Georgia Romance Writers

Over the last several years, I've come to use the month of October as my time for reflection and goal setting for my writing career.  It's no coincidence that this also happens to be the time to attend the Moonlight and Magnolias conference sponsored by Georgia Romance Writers.

As I give pause to reflect on my accomplishments this year, I am excited and elated that I was able to lauch my awesome website, serve as GRW's co-chair for the Volunteer and Hospitality Coordinator with Sharon Cooper, begin the rewriting and editing phase for my novel, Breaking Free, and serve as a member of an author panel on Black Speculative fiction.  I'm thinking I had a tremendous year. Through it all, I've been grateful and inspired by all my writer buds and friends. These writers don't know how much they've helped to nurture, inspire, support, and take care of me through it all.  I just want to take some time to pause and send out my sincere thanks, kindness, and high fives to the Georgia Romance Writers and to these members or past members who have been critical to my development as a writer:

Sharon Cooper                           Kendall Grey                      CJ Foster              JB Hunt

Tami Brothers                      Delaney Diamond                 Carla Fredd           Candace Shaw

Nicki Salcedo                      J. Perry Stone                     Hildie McQueen

Elaine Burroughs                 Chicki Brown                       Stephanie Bond

Noelle Pierce                         Berta Platas                       Ciara Knight

Thank you all for being inspirational, supportive, helpful. and kind. I sincerely appreciate it. If you're an aspiring writer and are looking for a "writer home" come joins us at GRW. We'd love to have you.

With that said, I'm so looking forward to the upcoming conference and having a chance to fellowship with my writer buds as I begin my new "writing" year.

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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!