On the Grief Recovery Journey: Five Benefits of Diamond Painting to Navigate Grief Brain
My Grief Recovery Journey has taken me down the path of using art therapy to help me navigate. Just wanted to take the time to give everyone an update on my first diamond painting project. I know my grandmother would approve of diamond painting. If interested, I created a short YouTube Video on how the project unfolded each day. It's less than one minute. I’m not talking just sharing pictures of the project developing.
Here are five benefits that I’ve found (using diamond painting) to help me navigate my grief brain:
(1)Minimizes Stress and Anxiety-Some days my despair and anxiety are high. I look forward to only having to diamond paint.
(2) Stimulates Creativity and Logic-I feel very creative and enjoy looking at my creation as it unfolds but I also use logic when reading the pattern. Both sides of my brain are activated.
(3)Using my Fine-Motor Skills helps me to focus my brain and practice meditative mindfulness.
(4)Unplugging-I can just unwind and unplug from too many stimulating activities or potentially triggering situations on the news or social media.
(5)Remembrance-My grandmother was a very creative person and as I’m working I remember her and the many hours we spent working on creative projects. It’s very calming to my soul.
For this first Diamond Painting project, it took me about 25 days. I painted most evenings for up to a couple of hours. I’m very proud of the final picture and she’s hanging up in my office. I now see lots of places in my office that can use a splash of creative, sparkly fun.
I also see the importance of adding creative projects in my life and I’ve been thinking about learning how to do some simple drawings (inspired by my Grandmother’s skills) to create coloring book images. For now though, I’m gonna be diamond painting to navigate my grief brain and take this journey one step at a time.
If you'd like to see how I've been navigating my grief journey. Click here to see related posts.
If you’re on a grief recovery journey, how are you practicing mindfulness? Is diamond painting on your list?