Summer Reading Final Thoughts: Does Domestic Violence and Female Genital Mutilation belong in a Paranormal Romance?

Summer Reading Final Thoughts: Does Domestic Violence and Female Genital Mutilation belong in a Paranormal Romance?

In Flee: A Short Story, the scene where Shania is beaten and the bystanders don’t come to her aid quickly, has been questioned.  Readers want to know if I really meant to write the scene that way and the answer is “Yes.”

I intentionally wrote the scene that way.


Because, there is a bit of inaction when people witness domestic violence. Bystanders, first or secondhand, don’t want to get involved. It’s a couple problem. It’ll resolve itself. It’ll go away. This attitude towards domestic violence runs deep.

Several years ago, a prominent African American couple in Atlanta, both ministers, were shown on the news. The husband was captured on tape beating his wife in public.  It was a heart wrenching story but what struck me the most were some of the responses.

“She deserved it.”

“She did something to make her husband beat her.”

“She shouldn’t be over a man, anyway.”

Something about those words bothered me. I made a decision that I had to bring this issue to the light.  In fact, the Africana womanist in me wanted to discuss two issues that impact Africana women, domestic violence and female genital mutilation.

The Question: Do these two issues belong in a paranormal romance?

Yup. In a paranormal romance that has a Black woman protagonist, certainly.  Moreover, the paranormal has always been used as a way to discuss controversial, societal issues. But what’s really important to me is the idea that survivors of these horrific events can find and receive love.

What about love?

When I met my husband, the sun, stars, and moons aligned.  He was a breath of fresh air. He was a cool drink on a hot Georgia day.  Finding my soul mate was the greatest gift that I ever received. All women deserve this deep love.   In the end, out of the tragedy, sorrow, and death comes the best gift of all, love.

This Soul Eaters series will take readers on the edge of violence, death and pain but will ultimately bring them back to healing love. I promise!

Flee small - CopyDon’t forget that the entire Flee: The Short Story prequel to the Soul Eaters is available for immediate download.

This concludes my summer reading fest. I hope you all have enjoyed it.  I have two winners of my YA book, Breaking Free, they are Ollie Moss and A. Jarrell Hayes.

Thanks so much for participating! It’s been fun. 

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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!