Top Ten Blog Posts

Top Ten Blog Posts

I’m always amazed at the number of hits that I receive on my blog.  Each week I post and I wonder if people are interested in posts that deal with race, class, and gender in Scifi, Paranormal and Futuristic books, movies, and TV series. 

I get excited whenever an awesome post takes off like lightening.  I thought I’d re-share some of those amazing discussions and believe me, some of those posts, get heated…


Here are the top ten blog posts with number one at the end. 

#10 Alicia McCalla Wants a Diamond Studded Leather Stock

Interview of me from my writer bud, Hildie McQueen, I loved that interview.

#9 Black Women are Ugly, Fat, and Masculine

My response to a Psychology Today article.

#8 Author Milton Davis Discusses a Women’s Sword and Soul Anthology

Milton Davis did a wonderful interview where he described Sword and Soul as well as put out a call for authors to participate.

#7  Interview with Author Nicole Sconiers

Awesome interview with my writer bud, Nicole Sconiers, and her Beckyville book.

#6 Zachary Jernigan discusses how race frames his writing

Zachary wrote an amazing article on several SciFi writers of color.  I thought it would be great for him to share how race framed his writing. It was a good blog post.

#5 Interview with Deana Zhollis where she discusses Sexual Slavery

Did I mention how much I admire Deana’s work?  She writes these amazing fairy tales and adds heroes that are creepy but totally sensual. Is that possible?  Deana pushes that discussion of sexual slavery to new heights in her novels. I enjoy reading her works.

#4 Lea Nolan Discusses Her Gullah Root Worker

I was too excited when Leah agreed to share about the research for the Gullah Root worker in her new novel.  She gave wonderful insights.  Plus my grandma talked to me about Sweet Grass baskets after she read it or was that my Mom?

#3 Jax Cassidy Discusses Her Multicultural Identity

I think Jax is an amazing author.  We hung out together at a local writer’s conference. She’s very conscientious and together. I was pleased when she said she’d share her Asian American experience in a blog post. It was sensitive and touching.

#2 Racists Boycott Idris Elba as the Guardian in Thor

I love going to the movies and I was very excited about seeing a multiracial and multicultural version of Thor.  After a little research, I learned that this version of Thor had people up-in-arms sort of like the Rue character in the Hunger Games. Sigh…

#1 Interracial Couple in Merlin

By far, this has been the most debated and heated post on my blog.  There have been well over 30,000 hits on this post. When I wrote about Merlin, I didn’t think anyone watched the show (at least in the US).  Over the last year, people periodically post and make comments about the interracial relationship and it’s a touchy subject. I still try to figure out just what makes this so sensitive. Any thoughts?  I’ve enjoyed the discussion. J 

Well, there you have it, the top ten posts on  Have any favorites? Drop me a line…  I’m also interested in any suggested topics.  I like to keep things interesting. 

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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!