YA Indie Carnival: On How Being a Journal Freak Inspires Alicia McCalla to Create Her Wild Ideas
Since I was a very little girl, people have always asked me where I get my "wild" ideas for my stories. Sometimes people meant it in a nice way and other times, well, they weren't so nice. I certainly received that "you need therapy" look more than once. LOL. For as long as I can remember, I have journaled.
Being a journal freak has helped me through lots of things but I really use my journaling to help me build my story ideas. Don't laugh but over the years, I have amassed a whole lotta journals. OMG, I record everything from dreams, pictures, outlandish life events, raw emotions, current events, political views, racial or gender issues, historical research and it goes on and on. Whatever is on my mind at the time.
Not only does my journaling clear my mind and my soul but it serves as a springboard to some really neat cross pollination of ideas. Sometimes I take a nightmare and add a twist from a real world situation. These twists are usually cataclysmic or in some way terrifying, horrific but often either science fiction, urban fantasy, or paranormal.
I'm totally obsessed with those stories of FFP that deal with surviving violence/oppression through love. After I mix up my crazy ideas then I sit down and I begin my phase of being a Sicko Pantser (You all can take a look at a guest blog I did for my friend Kendall Grey).
I don't always know what will happen but oftentimes I return to my journals to mine more ideas. I'm not sure if other writers are journal freaks like me but my journals keep me inspired and full up with ideas. If you're a writer what inspires you or where do you find your inspiration?
Before I end the carnival this week, I'd like to give a shout out to Rachel Cole. She's a part of a new horror anthology that looks really creepy in a good way. If you love horror, check it out. It's called What fears become.
Check out the other fantastic writers on the YA Indie Carnival!
Danny Snell's Refracted Light Reviews
Patti Larsen Author of The Ghost Boy of MacKenzie House, and The Diamond City Trilogy.
Courtney Cole Author of Every Last Kiss, Fated, Princess, and Guardian. Also a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Wren Emerson Author of I Wish and a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Laura Elliott Author of Winnemucca.
Nichole A. Williams Author of Eternal Eden, and the upcoming Fallen Eden. She is also participating in the Glassheart Chronicles.
Fisher Amelie Author of The Understorey, as well as a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Amy Maurer Jones Author of The Soul Quest Trilogy as well as a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Rachel Coles. Geek Mom. Book Reviewer Author of Diary of a Duct Tape Zombie, Whistles, Beergarden, Plagues, Bees of St. John, and Mushrooms.
T. R. Graves T.R. Graves: Author of Warriors of the Cross.
Cyndi Tefft Author of Between
P.J. Hoover Author of Solstice, The Emerald Tablet, The Navel of the World, The Necropolis.
Heather Cashman Author of Perception.