Black Woman in Space Looking Down on the Earth Affirmation is I reach New heights

Badass Affirmation of the Week: I REACH NEW HEIGHTS

The Badass affirmation this week is: 

"I reach new heights" 🚀

Take a look at the stunning image I created this week - a radiant Black woman floating in space, gazing down at Earth with determination. She floats in space as a symbol of her relentless resilience.

This vision represents the boundless potential within each of us to break out of limiting structures and beliefs, and accomplish dreams once thought impossible. When others tell you that you've gone too far or aimed too high, let this affirmation remind you that the sky is not the limit.

Let's start ascending together! Your light gives me the courage to follow my own astronaut dreams. Wishing you clarity, confidence and calm as you continuously level up.

Join my community to receive a new affirmation each week along with exclusive access to my books, stories and merchandise celebrating courageous Black women. Together, let's keep igniting the power within each other. The world needs to see our light.

#iamundeterred #afrofuturism #blackgirlmagic 

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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky, and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!