Why Supporting Minority Businesses is Freedom Realized

Action + Vision: Why Supporting Minority Businesses Is Freedom Realized

The Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action was disheartening. As an advocate for inclusion and empowerment, I was angry at yet another policy failing marginalized groups. But it highlighted the vital importance of supporting minority-owned businesses. When institutions fail us, collective action and economic empowerment are the pathways to realizing the freedom we seek.

We must invest in the representation we wish to see through collective work and responsibility. This means supporting colleges, politicians, and corporations that openly support diversity and promote inclusion. But it also means using our economic power to buy from independent minority creators. Buying from minority entrepreneurs and creatives is direct action - our dollars determine which stories get told, who gains power and influence, and which communities thrive.

Support the work that matters to you. Spend with purpose and intention. Use your dollars to counter policy failures and barriers that prevent marginalized groups from opportunities and advancement. Policies and institutions will continue to fail us, so we must work collectively through action and vision to realize the freedom and representation we hope to see.

Collective economics can drive change. Representation matters, and so does who profits from what we buy. When you buy from minority-owned businesses, you empower entrepreneurs working to make a difference, and you fund the creation of products, art, and stories from communities often left out. Your money shapes the world we live in. Spend it intentionally and wisely.

Buying from large corporations and established institutions may be convenient, but it primarily supports the status quo and systems of inequality. We need new stories, and we need historically marginalized communities to not just have a voice but to profit and gain power. Support minority creators. Your dollars can transform lives and shape the future.

The time for action and empowerment is now. Support me and other creatives like me. Here are five reasons to buy direct.

Together, we will change the world and empower one another.

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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky, and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!