On My Way to a Mammogram Fear Happened

On My Way to a Mammogram Fear Happened

People know how wild my imagination can get.  So it's no suprise when I say that I've been having an unusual amount of fear, trepidation, and weirded out dreams when I think about getting a mammogram. I try to conquer my fear by tapping into my Marine experience but then my mind realizes that most Marines are men and men don't take Mammograms! Back to that crazy fear again.

So I've got it all figured out.  I think. First, it's all the pink ribbons everywhere. The commercials and the messages about breast cancer and being safe. They're everywhere. Hmm. Is it a conspiracy?  Then, it's the fact that I keep getting mail that says "get your mammogram today" and just how'd they know that I've been avoiding getting one for two years in a row. Head scratching...

Then, I start thinking about the statistics. I'll more than likely drop dead from a heart attack than from breast cancer. My mind, she keeps-a-moving.  What about the harmful, scary, rays that will penetrate my poor unsuspecting body?  The whole ray thing just creeps me out. Then, I keep thinking about the whole smash and bash experience.  How come men don't get smashed and bashed? 

You see, I'm way off in left field. I'm an educated woman. I know! I KNOW! I need to be getting a mammogram but my mind keeps playing tricks on me. So I procrastinate, fool around, and months roll away.  I need mammogram therapy. If you're out there, please give me some words that will help me over this foolishness in my mind.

So, I'm blogging about this today since it's the pink month. I'm hoping to hear a few words about the importance of taking a mammogram from others and if you're having unnecessary fear like me, to encourage you to set your appointment today.

I know. I'm calling to schedule it today.

But feel free to give therapy, if you think I need it.

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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!