Photo Diary: Panama 2023 Spring Break Vacation

Photo Diary: Panama 2023 Spring Break Vacation

Day One

Alicia McCallas Husband in front of KFC in Panama City

We flew into Panama City and made it to the hotel. Instead of trying out some cool local restaurant, my hubby decided he must have KFC.


Day Two

Alicia McCalla with her husband and tour guide in a waterfall

We were up early on a Farm to Fork Excursion on a Moringa Farm.  We drove out to the Farm, saw the local community. They had chickens and ducks. We then had an intense hike to a beautiful waterfall. After our excursion ended, we attempted to head back to the hotel but found ourselves in the middle of a ten hour protest by the local community for running water and garbage collection. Wanting to support the protesters our guide backtracked and we waited out the time at a nearby Marina.


Day Three

Alicia McCallas husband with Black Expats in Panama

We were up early to hang out with the Black Expats Panama Cultural Caribbean Day Trip. My writer brain was totally inspired on day three. We had a fantastic adventure learning about Afro Panamanian history and culture. We travelled through the city of Colon then Portobello to see the church which held the Black Christ, had lunch where we watched Diablo dancers, and ended on a private beach. 


Day Four

Fish market in Panama City

We slept in and decided to hangout in Panama City. We got up and headed to the Fish Market. Wall-to-wall fish! Every type you could dream-up from conch to squid to you name it! I had a delicious seafood Ceviche with octopus, shrimp, scallops and other mixed seafood.


Day Five

Alicia McCalla and her husband at a Panamanian Restaurant in Old Town

We were up early to visit the Panama Canal and see more of the city. The Panama Canal is truly a modern wonder and who knew it cost $450,000 for a ship to cross the canal. We left the Panama Canal and headed into to Old Towne where we had lunch at an authentic Panamanian restaurant the Diablo. Delicious!


Day Six

We slept in and had a fabulous breakfast then headed back to ATL.

 We had a fantastic time. Here’s some more pictures if you’d like to see them. 

Just an FYI. I'm having a Mother's Day Sale next week. Click here to check it out. 


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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky, and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!