The Last Vampire Huntress Short Story
My short story, The Last Vampire Huntress, is a part of the upcoming anthology, Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire. I absolutely love the artwork created by Ejafadil. He truly captured my vision. So here’s the details about my short story:
Short Story Title: The Last Vampire Huntress
Synopsis: When a vampire huntress finds a bloody butcher knifed note stuck in her apartment door, she must stop her vampire ex-boyfriend from killing all the hunters in the Guild or face fulfilling a terrible prophecy.
Main Character: Kendra
Skill: Vampire Hunter
Heritage: Daughter of the Goddess Oshun
Family Totem: Vulture
Weapons: Two machete-like war swords and a handgun with holy water bullets.
Check out Black Women Are Scary Radio Dramatic Reading of my Short Story.
If you haven’t had a chance to order your copy of Slay, click here to find out more.