Happy Thanksgiving My Badass Fam!
As the leaves change colors and we prepare to gather around the table with loved ones, I wanted to send a note of gratitude from my heart to yours. This season always makes me reflective on my many blessings, both great and small.
First and foremost, I'm thankful for my dear husband who uplifts me daily with his kindness, humor, and partnership. His smile never fails to brighten my day, as seen in our favorite DragonCon photo from a couple of months ago. I'm also filled with appreciation for our vast and vibrant community - each of you strengthens my spirit with your support.
As we join together in homes across the world this Thanksgiving, I take comfort knowing so many share my mission of representing our multifaceted Black experiences through stories and merchandise. The warrior, angel and superheroes in my collage remind me that we all possess untold reserves of power, courage, and resilience within.
While grief will always be part of my journey, I'm continuously grateful for life's lessons in perseverance and humanity. Most of all, I give thanks for the ability to shine light through my writing wherever darkness lingers still.
From my heart to yours, know you carry my profound love and best wishes for peace. Keep soaring with wings empowered!